Tuesday 27 December 2011

Healthy NYE 2012 with Doshy & JCC - 31 Dec 2011

這次是應Healthy Macao的邀請
地點是氹仔的Russian Bar
此外當然還有Healthy Macao的一眾核心人物
包括N1D, Achun, Sannja, DJ SF和Rolec

31st Dec (Saturday) - Healthy Macao NYE 2012 with special guests
Doshy (Robox Neotech, Planet MU / Berlin, Germany)
JCC (Trilithium, chAos! / Guangzhou)
@ Russian Bar, New Century Hotel

line up :
‎1030-1115 Burnie (Garage / UK Bass)

1115-1200 Achun (Dubstep / Bass)
1200-1245 N1D (Dubstep / Bass)
1245-0200 Doshy (Live)
0200-0300 JCC (Drum 'n' Bass)
0300-0345 N1D vs. Sannja (Jungle / Dubstep)
0345-0430 DJ SF (Dubstep)
mic man - Rolec

venue : 
Russian Bar, New Century Hotel, Taipa
Heavy soundsystem on main floor and chilling room opens all night
Entry : mop120 before 12 (include 2 drinks) / mop120 after 12 (include 1 drink) So, COME EARLIER for 2 DRINKS!!!!
10:30 'til late

Healthy Macao is gonna bring you the cutting-edge post Dubstep sounds from Germany producer Doshy and crazy rolling selections from South China Drum 'n' Bass queen - JCC for your start of 2012.

about DOSHY
(Robox-neo-tech, Planet Mu / Berlin, Germany)

Doshy is the pioneer of the future bass scene in Germany;
he has been producing dubstep and electronic stuffs under the reowned Planet Mu and his own label Robox Neotech. Digging deep you would find his colloboration with Jamie Vex'D aka Kuedo, Zomby, Starkey, Rustie
and Kanji Kinetic uplifting and addictive.
His funky,synth-bass driven, massive dancefloor smashers that embrace the atmosphere of the outerspace.

Doshy 是柏林future bass的先驅, 一直以來在大名遠播的Planet Mu和他自己的Robot Neotech廠牌下出品多隻大作,
如果你深入點認識他, 你會發現他和Jamie Vex'D aka Kuedo, Zomby, Starkey, Rustie
and Kanji Kinetic uplifting合作的東西是多麼令人與奮.
他的funky, synth-bass driven的曲目即將捲動舞池, 帶你進入外太空的世界


about JCC
(嘈!Chaos ,Trilithium / Guangzhou, China)

Chief Head of the Guougzhou based party label chAos - JCC is coming back and smash up the dancefloor in Macau.
From Trilithium's era to various gigs and encounters with various great musicians, now JCC has jointly become the Queen of Jungle in China along with the legendary DJ Siesta.

besides the facts that JCC is a forensic and pHD student, she keeps faith and stands by her own belief in music, growing and heat up places that music is being loved and respected. All the fans appreciate it and show up only for her. JCC played in local bars like Ping Pong, Cali Cali, House Club, True Colour, BeiJing's Earl Bar, Shanghai's legendary The Shelter, Heavy HongKong and Macau's very own Healthy Macao etc. Moreover, JCC is working hard for bringing the best drum n bass sound to all Chinese music enthusists.

Don't Miss it, JCC is gonna crack up the dancefloor by her distinctive selection of Techy Drum n Bass, Neuropunk Drum n Bass, Jungle, Dubstep, Lazerbass and GRIME!

JCC已經在澳門演出2次的JCC又回歸澳門, 誓要震撼大家的聽覺!

廣州新銳舞曲派對廠牌chAos 的主腦JCC,聯合vno, 以策劃電音派對為主、以製造舞台驚喜, 撥到樂迷興奮的神經為最終目的。
經過Trilithium廠牌, 與及在各地演出, 跟不同音樂人交流的經歷, 現在JCC與DJ Siesta齊名成為中國drum&bass迷無人不知的Queen of Jungle.

JCC除了是個法醫和博士研究生, 她作為音樂人堅持自己的音樂理念,活躍在有人尊重和喜愛音樂的地方,樂迷們對這點非常欣賞,常常為她的出現而出。之後,JCC在廣州本地的乒乓、喜窩、Cali Cali、House Club, True Colour, 在北京的Earl Bar, 上海的傳奇地下俱樂部The Shelter, 還有為香港的HEAVY crew, 澳門本地的Healthy Macao等各大主要clubbing場地, 藝術空間, 地下音樂空間, 團體等地邀請多次進行演出。現在,她也致力於製作中國的DnB主題派對和混音碟,

音樂風格:Techy Drum n Bass, Neuropunk Drum n Bass, Jungle, Dubstep, Lazerbass and GRIME!


about Burnie
(4-daz-le, Macau)

Brandon - Guitarist of the local shoegaze band Evade is going to lead the 2-step, future garage movement in Macau. Digging deep into classic early 2000's sound in the UK, embrace the distinctive sound of future garage, you wont be let down by his trendy, unique selection for our 2012

Burnie是本地 shoegaze 樂隊Evade的結他手Brandon, 在組樂團以外同時引領澳門的2-step, future garage 復興及革新風潮. 對2000年代英國Garage各大金曲熟悉不過的他將會為你帶來前衛, 獨特的選曲


Healthy Macao

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